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Upcoming Meetings and Events

Upcoming Events
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Club Directors

Club President - Alfonso Flores


Past Club President - Joshua Jewkes

President Elect - Marty Oakeson


Secretary -Tim Brosnahan
Treasurer - Mike Johnston

Sergeant at Arms - Terry Pitts 

Foundation Chair - Kristen Bowcutt

Service Chair - Marty Oakeson

Membership Chair - Dane Pederson

Public Image Chair - Vaughn Hokanson

Youth Programs Chair -Paige Pribble/Marin Gogan
Literacy Chair - Stacey MacKay

Rotary's Areas of Focus

  Areas of Focus


About The Heber Valley Rotary Club

The Heber Valley Rotary Club meets weekly, usually on Wednesdays. The club is very active in the community and is also involved in international humanitarian service projects.  We are always searching for potential new members who would like to be involved in local community and international service.
Please contact us or join us to learn more. 
(For more information about date, time and place of our next meetings, click on the upcoming events)

Rotary's Mottoes

"Service above Self"
"One Profits Most Who Serves Best"

Rotary's Mission

We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.